Q.No. 1 Which of the following pigments are not found in flower ?
(A) Anthocynin (B) Carotene (C) Xanthophyll (D) Florigen
Q.No. 2. Which of the following animals are known as comb jelly ?
(A) Annelida (B) Colenterata (C) Ctenophora (D)Protozoa
Q.No. 3. The cells which are present in the stomach produce the HCL
(A) Chief cells (B) Oxyntic cell (C) Argenteffin cell (D)Kuffer cell
Q.No. 4. In which of the following phylum the adult show the radial symmetry while male show bilateral symmetry
(A) Annelida (B) Colenterata (C) Ctenophora (D)Nematoda
Q.No. 5. Which Genes are responsible for cancer in the cells
(A) Housekeeping genes (B) Garbeg genes (C) Spiliting genes (D) Onco genes